
Hey there. I’m Nicolle and I’m obsessed with emerging careers and the skills needed to thrive in a new world of work. I’m the one at the party who legitimately wants to know what you do.

I’m relentlessly curious about people, learning, and tech so my work is multi-faceted.

I’ve rewritten this about page so many times since I first started writing here. But here’s where I’m at now. 

By day, I’m a contract conversation designer and UX researcher for machine learning and conversational AI products. I’m pretty obsessed with AI in the workplace. 

Outside of my day job, I’m plugging away at other topics that interest me:

My current professional obsessions:

⛱️ exploring the design of fair AI systems
⛱️ teaching employees how to upskill
⛱️ creating organizational learning ecosystems
⛱️ experimenting with creative uses of Alexa skills

Content creation is my passion. I produce podcasts, workshops, and writing on the future of work.

I also wrote a book on the future of work. My book,📕 Punch Doubt in the Face: How to Upskill, Change Careers, and Beat the Robots 📕, explains the impact of artificial intelligence in the workplace, identifies emerging skill sets, and shows readers how to upskill.

It’s guaranteed to be a reading experience that’s unlike any other career book. 

This is a place to write about my interests and projects. 

I frequently write about:

  • Upskilling programs (bootcamps, online courses, DIY learning) and how to integrate them into your career progress
  • The future of work as it relates to how automated platforms have changed the nature of work and hiring
  • Hybrid jobs and emerging career paths
  • AI in the workplace, from workplace surveillance, to automation platforms, to management by algorithm.
  • AI, data privacy, and ethical decision making for algorithm design
  • Podcasts that I love 
  • Designing Alexa Skills 

On that last part, this blog isn’t about Alexa skills but I write about my experience designing skills. This blog instead is named for my training company, Future Skills, and about the skills needed to thrive in the future of work. 

I’m a frequent conference speaker and workplace trainer. Now, thanks to COVID, I do a lot of virtual speaking events. 

Learn more about my speaking topics in my media kit. Download it here: 
